
Showing posts from May, 2020

Judicial system and Justice

Judicial system and Justice.. It is a privilege to live in a democratic country with fundamental rights and duties. The three main pillars of democracy are legislature, executive and judiciary. Media is also considered as the fourth pillar. The strength and influence of democracy depend upon these pillars. They are for the people, of the people, by the people as the democracy is defined. Legislature have the power to change or make law. Executives implement the law by working on ground. e.g:- CEO of a company Judiciary applies law and provide Justice to victims and punish the guilty ones. An eye over the judicial system. According to November 2019, there are 59867 cases pending in Supreme Court. 4.75 lakh and 3.14 crore cases are pending in High Courts and district & subordinate courts respectively. There are a lot of pending cases and many cases are lingering, all these is due to the inadequacy of judicial strength. Needs of Judges  There are 40 percent of vacan...

Communalism and Harmony

Communalism and Harmony Communal harmony means people of different castes, religious, sex and different background lives together in society with peace amongst them. An individual or a single section of society cannot define the communal harmony. India is a vast country and have various kinds of religions, castes, cultures ethics, morals and values which defines it's tag of UNITY IN DIVERSITY. India is known for communal harmony which has to be maintained. Also the indian constitution promotes communal harmony and a special organisation is also framed under SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT 1860, named as National foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH). NFCH is an autonomous body, the  main objective is to provide assistance for the physical and psychological rehabilitation of the child victims of communal caste, ethnic or terrorist violence with special reference to their care, education and training besides promoting communal harmony. It does not promote the communal harmony but...